Thursday, June 30, 2011

Challenge 5- Best Friend

For #5, I had to draw a picture of my best friend. Of course that is my wife. Today is our 4 year anniversary and so I thought that I would challenge myself to draw a picture of her FROM MEMORY. This is going to embarrass her like crazy (heheheheeee), but I think this is pretty accurate. Isn't she cute!? Her favorite color is green hence the background. By the way, she doesn't normally stand like this.


  1. Way to go, Nathan. You've captured a moment in time commemorating this special day which can be looked back upon for years to come. Maybe this should become an annual tradition. And yes, she is cute.

  2. Very lovely indeed. It's fun seeing all your sketches.

  3. Very nice! My wife would love it if I could draw a picture of her. Not being an artist, I'm afraid of how it would come out :)
