Thursday, June 30, 2011

Challenge 5- Best Friend

For #5, I had to draw a picture of my best friend. Of course that is my wife. Today is our 4 year anniversary and so I thought that I would challenge myself to draw a picture of her FROM MEMORY. This is going to embarrass her like crazy (heheheheeee), but I think this is pretty accurate. Isn't she cute!? Her favorite color is green hence the background. By the way, she doesn't normally stand like this.


Here's a page of random figures and heads from over the past couple days. I just wanted to practice different expressions, angles, and poses. Tell me which ones are your faves and why. Click on it for more detail.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Challenge 4- Favorite Place

This is a sketch of one of my favorite places. Can you guess where it is?

It is the Columbia River Gorge on I-84. This is a beautiful drive and is the corridor of transition for almost every major chapter in my life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tablet Scare

I thought my Wacom tablet was broken. All of the sudden it stopped working. I plugged it in and the light wouldn't come on, nor would the pen work. I was scared. I got ahold of Wacom customer service and fortunately my tablet is still under warranty. They said I could send it in and get it repaired free of charge. Sweet.

I went up into the attic to find the original box, and I emptied the contents to make it lighter for shipping. In doing so I pulled out an extra USB cable for the tablet. I thought to myself, "Hmm. It's worth a shot." So I plugged it in and BAM it's working again. Looks like the problem was the cable, and I won't have to lose the tablet for weeks. Bonus!

Friday, June 24, 2011

2 Minute Landscapes

I decided to challenge myself personally by doing a sequence of landscapes limited to 2 minutes each. This challenge was mainly to practice gesture drawing, for I never have done a gesture sequence of landscapes. These are all straight out of the noggin...or straight out of the pen. As you can see, some are better than others, and I think the better ones are those that have a stronger balance between black and white. Also, I adjusted pen settings about half way through, which made a huge difference. Tell me what you think.

The two minutes did not include cropping.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Challenge Day 3~ Favorite Food

Doing the challenge each day is literally impossible for me with school and a baby.

One of my favorite foods are haystacks. If you don't know what a haystack is, it's like this: taco salad x amazing= haystack. This was a fun one to build, as I piled each thing on in a separate layer. Fritos, beans, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, taco sauce, and ranch.